Dear Bilingual Friends,
You may know but there are just so many variations in Japanese that can express our strong emotion to indict something to be fake, bogus, or just “bullshit”!
The former one means someone is lying and it is quite obvious that he is not saying what he really thinks genuinely. 本音じゃなくて建前のことを言っていたりとかね!
The latter one has stronger meaning that someone is lying through their teeth. His statement is complete bullshit, or a sham, lacking even a shred of evidence.
These claims are questionable and spurious.
Some arguments in his book are downright suspicious and even blatantly spurious, not backed up enough with valid theories or practical experiments.
By the way this beautiful Japanese word below has a literally meaning in semantics, of “wet clothes,” but it actually means someone is being framed for some crimes or actions that he did not really commit.
Another word – the one below – I hope that you could get yourself familiar with (or perhaps will hear quite a lot in daily Japanese conversations) has two meanings.
山小屋はあとかたもなく焼けた。Here this word means “without a trace,” as if nothing has happened, as if it never existed.
The other meaning is again, “bogus,” in Japanese, describing something that misses any shred of evidence, or even unthinkable, making no sense.
I am flabbergast! What the heck?!
I am completely lost. He is such an enigma. His handlings are just bizarre.
Hope you enjoyed today’s travel to the fun world of vocabularies!