How to say in Bilingual




This is a tricky one! It is first of all, so jarred and Japanese a word. Basically you may say this is a word to describe someone so sweet, a bit shy, meek and affectionate. It does not have to describe a person though. You may see a flower or a plant to entice these complex but flavored feelings of affection and adore.


Kotomi behaved in a gentle, modest way in the dinner party, showing many guests her distinguished sense and inner beauty with lots of grace.



Given her age and life experience, I would assume she is quite discreet and a bit subdued. Should be a low-key person. Definitely I would not sweat over her participation in our project since it is unlikely that she would cause any fuss or obstruct its proceedings in any ways.

She would blend in quite well. She would be even invisible (but not in a bad way!).




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